Darling Family

Darling Family

Tim & Pam Darling –
Missionaries to Spain 

Baptist Mid-Missions

December 2023

The Unexpected …

I believe we have all had something “Unexpected” happen to us. It could have been a surprise visit, a birthday party, a pregnancy, a promotion or loss of a job and the list could easily continue.  I want to share with you some unexpected things that have recently come into our lives.

  1. We invited a missionary couple that serves in Morocco to attend a special retreat in Germany that we attend each year the first week of November. Their tickets were purchased, and the plan was to help them with their stay at the Conference. The surprise was that an unexpected gift was given to cover their expenses!
  2. Team Logroño is made up of three missionary families including Pam and me. We have had the joy of unexpected visitors coming to the new church plant Iglesia Bautista de Logroño (Logroño Baptist Church). These visitors want to join the church because they desire the teaching and preaching of God’s Word! Wonderful!
  3. We had unexpected joy of baptizing two believers. The inaugural service of the Logroño Baptist Church was planned for November 12, 2023. Everyone that wanted to become a charter member was interviewed. There were three main questions: their salvation experience, baptism and how they wanted to be involved. During these interviews it was discovered that one person had been baptized, but before salvation and the other one had not been baptized but understood his need to be obedient to the Lord’s command. (Pictures below).
  4. Another unexpected joy came when the new church plant received a one-time special gift of $75,000 to be used toward the purchase of our own meeting place. Team Logroño and others of the church have been looking for places that would meet our need for more space as we have had an unexpected growth in attendance. This time last year there were 6 believers, not counting the missionaries and their families.  At the present there are about 30 plus the missionaries making a total of 40 and our meeting place legally permits only 45.
  5. During the month of November unexpected Christmas gifts came into our account for which we are thankful.  God is always faithful.

There are more unexpected items that I could share, but this theme reminds me of the time God sent His Son to be born in Bethlehem.  Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and Jerusalem received unexpected visits “in the fulness of time”.  Unexpected by them but planned for before the foundation of the world.

We had the joy of an expected visit from the pastor of our home church, DJ Harry, his wife Lorrie and their daughter Laurel. They were a tremendous blessing to us and pitched in to help with the Thanksgiving Event that was hosted. We are thankful to be members of Needham’s Grove Baptist and thank the Lord for their great mission’s emphasis.

On Dec 17th our church will have a special meal together—not at our normal place of meeting but at a place that might possibly be the answer for a bigger place to gather. Please pray for this upcoming event and discernment.

Pam and I want to thank all of you for your faithfulness to the Lord and to us for your prayer support and for those who share financial gifts with us.

We pray for you and trust that the Lord will send you some good, unexpected gifts.

May we all have a Good and Joyous Christmas.

Your missionaries to Spain,

Tim and Pam.

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