Buckman Family

Buckman Family

Nathan & Janelle Buckman
MINTS International Seminary

September 2024

Transforming Lives Through Faith: Proposal for Church Planting at Sumter Work Camp We are thrilled to share an exciting development in our mission at Sumter Work Camp. As a dedicated team of teachers from MINTS (Miami International Seminary), we have been blessed to serve this community since January 2022. During this time, it has become increasingly clear that there is a significant need for consistent and reliable Christian worship services at the facility. Currently, while the neighboring prison offers multiple church services throughout the week—including a Protestant service every Sunday—the men at Sumter Work Camp have faced inconsistency in worship opportunities. Until recently, a monthly Christian volunteer service provided some spiritual nourishment, but that support has now ceased. This gap has created a void that we believe can be filled through the establishment of a church at Sumter Work Camp. After much prayer and reflection, I submitted a formal proposal to Assistant Warden Boan and Chaplain Moss, requesting permission to plant a church within the facility. Our vision is to create a traditionally structured church service, allowing the inmates to worship regularly, build community, and grow in their faith. The church at Sumter Work Camp will not only provide a space for worship but will also focus on developing leaders from within the inmate population. Our goal is to disciple church members, allowing them to elect elders and deacons and eventually turn over the shepherding of the church to an inmate pastor. This initiative aligns with Ephesians 4:12 (NIV), which states, “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Inmates will be empowered to lead their own church, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility that can significantly impact their lives both during incarceration and beyond. Statistics show that inmates involved in Christian activities have lower rates of recidivism and are more likely to reintegrate successfully into society. According to a study by the Institute for Prison Ministries, participation in faith-based programs can reduce recidivism rates by as much as 30% (Smith, J. (2015). Faith Behind Bars). By establishing this church, we can create a transformative environment that not only nurtures spiritual growth but also fosters rehabilitation.

This church would serve as an evangelical voice among the 680 inmates at Sumter Work Camp, providing a platform for outreach and mission work. Furthermore, it could act as a launching point for future missionaries as inmates are transferred to other facilities within the Florida correctional system. We humbly request your prayers for this initiative. Pray for favor with the authorities, for the hearts of the inmates to be open to this opportunity, and for God’s guidance as we move forward.

Buckman’s Ecuador Trip Report

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