Boyle Family

Boyle Family

Alex & Nicole Boyle
Missionaries to South Africa

Biblical Ministries Worldwide

August 2024

On the day we arrived back to the U.S., we jumped right into the final two weeks of training with our mission board. We learned about topics such as raising third culture kids, cross cultural church planting, and leadership training. We benefited from veteran missionaries sharing their experiences and life lessons. Best of all, Nicole and I had time to think about how these topics might apply to church-planting in Namibia one day soon. After traveling through Namibia in June, the Rossiters don’t believe God is calling them to this field. Though this news saddened us, we are thankful our mission board continues to encourage us toward Namibia. At the end of the training, we were accepted as full members of Biblical Ministries Worldwide. Nicole and I were blessed to spend time with a church in South Carolina, who so clearly love the Lord and enjoy serving Him. We then spent two weeks with a church in Nebraska. We got much needed rest and Michal loved the free splash pad in town.

Two weeks ago, we yet again purged our remaining belongings. It was a great reminder that our earthly possessions are temporary. We are called to look forward and value those things which are eternal. We must serve God not mammon. During our time in WI, we presented in two churches. One of these churches is a church plant, and it was exciting to hear their story of God’s grace over the past two years. The highlight of our stay in WI was getting together with some of our church family throughout the week and spending a midweek service with our home church family. God is so good to allow us this time together. Now we are in Indiana with a couple who have opened their home to us for the next two weeks. Like the past two months, the next several months will be filled with travels. We look forward to meeting new prayer and financial supporters. Thank you so much for your prayers for us as we serve Him!

Prayer & Praises

Rest: When we returned from Africa, we were physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. We needed rest. Through a couple of different events, we ended up staying in a mission house in NE for two weeks instead of a couple days. This house provided us with a place all to ourselves that we could get much needed rest. We were also refreshed by many church members at the church who took time to have us over for meals.

Outgoing Fund: Our mission board suggests we raise funds for moving  and set-up expenses we’ll face once we have full support and move to Africa next year. Thus far, we haven’t put much thought to raising these funds, but God has! Just last week, someone gave $5,000 towards this fund. What an unexpected blessing and bolster towards meeting this upcoming need. Health: *This week marks just over a month without any of us being sick! This might seem like an odd thing to praise God for, but this is the first time since September 2023 that we have all been healthy for an entire month. This has been a huge morale booster. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our physical health since we mentioned it in our April prayer letter.


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