Adult Ministries
Sunday School
Adult Bible Fellowship Class A group of adults of all ages who enjoy a time of prayer and Bible study each week in the Fellowship Hall.
Young Adult Class meets in the classroom beside the sound booth. This is a Bible Survey class for college and career age and beyond.
Rejoicers Class For all those “rejoicing” in their senior years. We meet in the sanctuary. See the Rejoicers page for details.

Bible Studies
Ladies Bible Studies are scheduled throughout the year on Tuesday mornings at 9:30. See our church calendar for dates and times.
Men’s Bible Studies are scheduled throughout the year on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 on the same days as the ladies’. See our church calendar for dates and times.
Bloom is a ladies study that meets on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm.
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wednesday night at 7:00 PM to share prayer requests and pray for one another and the ministries of the church.

Foundations of Fellowship
Theology Class
Last Tuesday of the month at at 7:00 PM all are welcome to join a deeper study of systematic theology taught by the pastors of Fellowship.